
hi, I'm Apostle Eric Wogbe Aseye

Apostle Eric Wogbe Aseye is a revivalist, counselor and Evangelist with a great passion for Missions. As a missionary, he carried the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to many Cities, towns and villages. He is a president of Thyvoice Ministries. Formal C.E.O of Christ The Founder Missions.  A holder of Associate Degree in Biblical ministry at Harvesting International Institute. As a senior Pastor, he served as a servant leader and raised many young men n and women to the leadership position.
*Partnership Request 
A general gift will help bring the Gospel to people across Africa and beyond, enhance our ministries and others that transform lives and communities.
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Walking with Christians and people of other faiths from around the world can enhance the life, faith and witness of your church. There are a variety of ways in which you can share your faith and experience with our international partners. thanks
* History of Thyvoice Ministries

Thyvoice Ministries is a non-denominational missionary organization complete non-governmental organization formed in December 2015, to give spiritual and material support to the needy in deprived rural communities and towns. In February 2016, Thyvoice Ministries was registered under the law of Ghana and October 9th same year it was commissioned and inaugurated fully to the glory of God. 

+233 24 476 288

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Partnership Request

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